Johnnie Brock’s: Video #2

When a video is about a place that sells or rents everything from severed arms and body bags to horse masks and Elvis costumes, the storyboarding process isn’t a task – it’s a treat.


The Problem: Johnnie Brock’s is the biggest party store in the universe at more than 25,000 square feet. Everyone and their brother know that it’s THE place to go for Halloween gear, but what about the other 364 days of the year?


The Goal: To show Johnnie Brock’s as the year-round party and costume supply destination that it truly is, and to do so while entertaining viewers.


The Solution: The overuse (and almost exclusively improperuse) of the word “literally” is reaching its apex. We played with (made fun of?) this thought when conceptualizing the Johnnie Brock’s storyboard, and relied on old idioms, shown literally to carry viewers through part of the Johnnie Brock’s inventory that is available throughout the year.


The Result: It’s Obvious — just click play.