Is your website costing you customers? Run a free website audit to find out how much money you're leaving on the table.
Use Marketing Milk’s website evaluation tool to run a complementary website audit to see an all-encompassing health score for your website.
Website SEO Audit
The appearance, navigation, functionality, and speed of your website are directly related to your revenue. Slow, unattractive, or poorly built websites will not only damage your ability to be found in a Google search, they push the potential customers that do find your page directly into the arms of a competitor.
Our free Website Auditing Tool from Marketing Milk will provide granular insights into the good, the bad, and the ugly of your website. It will analyze everything from code and script errors to content issues to SEO value.
Marketing Milk’s Website Audit Tool provides you the information you need to turn your website in to a high-converting digital salesperson so you can start turning your visitors into dollars and cents in your bank.