What You Need to Know About ADA Compliance for Your Website

Did you know all websites must become accessible to people with disabilities?

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), websites serve as public spaces. This means they must remain accessible to people who have disabilities.

Everyone should have the right to access your website and its services. We also think you have a higher return on investment (ROI) when you make your website accessible. That’s why we’ve partnered with accessiBe. AccessiBe is an AI-powered solution that boosts your website’s ADA compliance.

Ready to learn more about why your website should become ADA compliant? Keep reading to learn more!

What Is ADA Compliance?

In 1990, the U.S. Congress recognized accommodations for Americans with disabilities. They did this by passing the ADA.

The ADA forbids employers from discriminating against people with disabilities. It includes bans on discrimination when it comes to employment. It also mandates that employers should make reasonable accommodations.

Further, the ADA asserts public spaces must provide accessibility to disabled individuals. When websites became official public spaces, website accessibility became mandatory for certain businesses. Businesses that fall under Title I and Title III must create accessible websites.

ADA compliance, then, consists of following the ADA regulations for your business.

ADA-Compliant Websites

So, do you need to have an ADA-compliant platform? And what are ADA compliance standards for websites?

Title I companies are those that operate for more than 20 weeks per year. They also have at least 15 full-time employees. Title III businesses come under the category of “public accommodations.” If you fall under either of these categories, you must make your website ADA-compliant. Failure to do so may result in a lawsuit.

This causes you to lose money and might make you appear discriminatory.

Even though the ADA mandates accessibility, it doesn’t offer clear guidelines. Yet, businesses have followed some of the same measures to determine their accessibility.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

So how do websites become compliant?

Many organizations use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These aren’t legal requirements. Yet, they provide useful metrics by which to measure your website accessibility. These guidelines include making your content:

  • Perceivable to people with disabilities. This includes providing subtitles to your videos. You might also make your written content compatible with auditory assistive technologies.
  • Operable for people with disabilities, so they can navigate them with ease.
  • Understandable for people with disabilities.
  • Robust and compatible with many different assistive devices.

Ethics of Accessibility

Every business should boost its inclusion efforts. No one should feel excluded because of factors outside of their control. You need to make sure everyone can use your services. This includes incorporating people with disabilities into your business considerations.

So, as a company, you should make your website accessible. This helps everyone feel included and appreciated by your organization. It also boosts people’s perception of you as a caring organization.

Accessibility and ROI

So, how does accessibility improve your ROI?

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates 26% of Americans who use the internet have a disability. This includes members of your target audience. You might lose a significant amount of potential business if you don’t have accommodations.

If you make your website accessible, you can market your business to more potential customers. This increases your brand awareness and builds your revenue.

As such, website compatibility doesn’t just keep you out of a lawsuit. It also helps you grow your business and makes more money.

Drive Social Media and AccessiBe

Drive Social Media has always striven to give its clients the best opportunities to grow using digital marketing techniques. We believe a good digital marketing strategy should make you a top competitor in your field. We are a top fastest-growing company, and we want to use our services to help you become one, too.

We also maintain that success and the business world and greater accessibility for people with disabilities have become linked. When businesses incorporate accessibility into their website, they communicate care for their customers.

Also, it drives up your customer conversion rate. People who enter websites expect them to have easy-to-use features. If someone with a disability cannot navigate your website with ease, they might search for your products or services elsewhere. Should your competitors have accessible websites, they will steal your competition.

That’s why we’ve partnered with accessiBe. AccessiBe specializes in making your website more accessible by using AI technology. Through our partnership, you will have the ability to convert your website content into something usable for people with many disabilities.

More Benefits

When you take advantage of our partnership, you also get a whole host of other benefits.

In particular, web accessibility boosts your SEO. It reduces your bounce time and encourages longer customer sessions on your website.

It also improves your user experience and increases customer satisfaction. If a visitor feels your website has become easy to use, they will appreciate their time with your company.

Our partnership also sets you apart from your competitors. With us, you get strong marketing features and an accessibility plan. Using this, you will grow your client base and develop loyal customers.

Take Advantage of Our Partnership

Are you ready to improve your ADA compliance? Do you want to start attracting more customers with disabilities?

Whether you’ve been around for a long time or are just starting your business, we can help! Drive Social Media provides top-notch digital marketing services, and accessiBe makes your entire website easier to navigate for people with disabilities. When you use our services, you’ll make your content available to more people!

Ready to reap the benefits of an accessible, well-marketed website? Contact us today!