You’ve been trucking away on social media. You’re making posts, communicating with customers when you can, and reading all the how-to blogs you can get your hands on.
But something isn’t sticking. Your sales numbers are exactly where they were when you started your social media efforts. So what are you doing wrong? Why isn’t social media increasing your sales?
1. You’re still posting organic.
Facebook marketing is a pay-to-play game these days. If you’re still focused on pumping out organic content thinking it will elicit response, you’re way behind. Take a look at your page insights…how many people actually saw what you posted?
It’s time to step up and play the game. Paid advertising on Facebook is the most cost-effective marketing available today. A few dollars behind a targeted post can go a long way.
2. Your audiences are wrong.
So, let’s say you are running paid advertisements on Facebook…do you know who is seeing them? As one of the largest buyers of third-party data in the world, Facebook sees all. Why not use their data to target the right people?
Developing correct Facebook audiences is key to your success. With options from broad, national audiences to highly specified geo-targeting, finding the people with whom your message resonates should be one of your main focuses.
3. Your message is wrong.
You’ve started running paid ads, you’ve narrowed in on your targeting…but something just isn’t clicking. Maybe it’s your message?
Speak in your customer’s language. Spend some time doing research to make sure that your creative resonates with your audience.
Most of all, give your message real value. Having the “coldest beer in town” isn’t value – everyone has cold beer. What separates you from the pack? What’s your greatest strength? Find that message and market it!
4. Your ad frequency is low.
The advertising industry recognizes 7 to 11 impressions before conversion. That means your audience needs to see your ad more than a couple of times to drive sales. It’s very rare that they’ll drop everything they’re doing and make a purchase without some familiarity with your brand.
If you’re selling larger ticket items or your brand is relatively unknown, aim for that 11 impressions mark. Why do you think you see the same Coca-Cola ad every commercial break during the big game? The more impressions, the deeper your brands seeps into the consumer’s subconscious.
Here’s the catch though…you can’t be too annoying! Make sure you stop running your ads before users backlash against your brand’s advertising efforts.
5. You’re not using original content.
It’s great to share those funny memes that resonate with your audience. But the memes aren’t promoting your products or services and they definitely aren’t driving your sales.
You need to be producing original content for your brand. Pinpoint your brand’s values and strengths, hire a graphic designer and create for your audience. You’ll be amazed by how many of your fans actually want to see what you have to say!
Check out your Facebook page insights to see how your content is performing.
6. You’re not spending enough money
Budgets…they kinda stink, don’t they? Because if there is one thing we know, it’s that the more money you spend on Facebook, the better your results.
Higher budget spending limits means greater reach and impressions, higher frequency, more engagement, clicks…name the metric and more money will get you there on Facebook.
7. You’re asking too much from your Social Media Manager
Last month, we wrote about what it takes for a person to launch and maintain a successful social media strategy. Read our post and see what you should actually be expecting from your staff.
If you just have one person running the social media show, you are asking too much from them. Quite frankly, a successful social campaign takes a lot of time, and one person is just not able to give you that.
Your social media manager needs to be able strategize, write copy, creating striking graphics, analyze data and so much more. Like they always say…it takes a village to properly promote a brand!
So, which of these points is holding you back? If you’re still unsure about why you’re not seeing your social ROI, contact us today to see how we can help you!