Cecil Whittaker's Pizza
Cookin’ Up Tasty Results

Drive Social Media served up 675 new customers in a 30-day period.
Return On Investment
Return On Ad Spend
Total Revenue
Cost Per Purchase
STL Style… but Better
For 32 years, Cecil Whitaker’s Pizza has served up specialized and popular thin-crust pizzas to the city of St. Louis. As an established brand with multiple brick and mortar locations across the greater St Louis area, they have an existing loyal customer base that is devoted to their Italian/American cuisine.
Same Pizza, New Problems.
We met with the owner of their Imperial, MO location in May of 2020. After nearly 20 years of working in another industry, Gary (the owner) purchased the business from the previous owner. Having only run the business for little over a year, we determined that Gary’s biggest goal would be to generate more new customers in an area already familiar with the Cecil Whitakker’s brand.
Social Strategy Cooked to Perfection
Gary partnered with Drive to solve his distribution problem but distribution is only a slice of this pizza pie...
Our goal was to drive customers to Cecil Whittaker’s website for online and offline conversions. To track those conversions, we placed a pixel on their website to retarget new and customers. Which means more money in their cash register.
Gary created his own super tasty specials in addition to specials given by corporate. Drive created a 5 campaign social strategy to properly allocate the budget in order to serve up all of these specials to potential customers. Our analytics manager’s sprinkled in their own special custom audiences based on their research and expertise. Then we threw it in the oven and gave it the chef’s kiss.
Delivering A Hot & Tasty ROI
During the first phase of our strategy, our goal was just one new customer. This was because we wanted to establish proof of concept and determine the cost per action to get someone off of Facebook and into Gary’s brick and mortar store. Drive was able to successfully attribute a 24x ROI in just the first 30 days. In total, we drove 675 purchases, contributing 25% of their total revenue. Initially, we thought because of Cecil’s established customer base, the majority of purchases in this first phase would have come from repeat customers. However, most of the purchases we attributed to our advertising came from entirely new customers - 333 to be exact (49%). Drive blew past established goals and has already become a profitable advertising partner.
Static Ads
Carousel Ads
Dynamic Creative Ads