Let’s Talk About Flex (Targeting)

So you’re a happy restaurant owner (or really any business, we just love food) who has been targeting Facebook users through boosting options? Great! Have you ever stopped to consider the SIZE of these audiences?


Audience From Power Editor

In order to hit all of these 47,000 users through a boosted post, you’d have to spend over $400 – and that’s just to serve the ad to them one time (a far cry from the 7 to 11 times recommended by Facebook Marketing Developers).

Being the single, male, pizza connoisseur that I am (I know, I’m bragging), I feel it’s important to point out the different sizes, shapes and styles. Chicago-style or Neapolitan? Cheese-lovers or Daiya cheese substitute? Triple meat or nothing but veggies? Thick wheaty crust or gluten-free? The combinations seem endless – just one of the many reasons the pizza is king of foods.

Let’s quickly focus on our friends at PW Pizza and their incredible gluten-free crust. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money to spend a $400 ad spend trying to reach general pizza lovers with an ad about their gluten-free crust? Will Wheat-Loving Walt even care? Probably not. Clearly this money would be best spent putting a gluten-free crust ad in front of users who are…drumroll please…GLUTEN-FREE!

But how?

Two words: Flex. Targeting.


With this new capability we can target Facebook users who like pizza AND purchase gluten-free groceries. BAM! And just like that, we’re hitting the ideal audience with an ad tailored to them and only them. Now our friends at PW Pizza can show a gluten-free ad to Celiac Susan, and save money by NOT showing it to Pepperoni Joe (don’t worry, he didn’t want to see it anyway.)


See, isn’t this audience size much more manageable?

Optimization for Ad Delivery

Getting our gluten-free crust ad in front of these users would costabout $73.00. Now we can put our moneytowards hitting that recommended frequency of 7 to 11 shows, pushing our audience closer to the point of conversion!

What do you say we make 2016 the year of not wasting money?

xOxO – Josh Pizza Emoji

Josh Sample, Operating Partner